Government-issued Photo ID (Driver’s License, Passport)
Social Security Numbers (SSN) or ITINs for you, spouse, and dependents
Bank Account & Routing Number (for direct deposit refunds)
W-2 Forms (from employers)
1099 Forms (freelance/contract work, interest, dividends, etc.)
Medical & Dental Expenses (if significant and exceed 7.5% of income)
Mortgage Interest (Form 1098)
Property Tax Statements
State & Local Taxes Paid (if not deducted from paycheck)
Charitable Donations (cash, goods, receipts)
Education Expenses (Form 1098-T for tuition, 1098-E for student loan interest)
Childcare Costs (provider’s name, address, EIN/SSN)
Business Income & Expenses (invoices, receipts, profit/loss statement)
Receipts for Business Purchases (supplies, advertising, software)
Home Office Deduction Details (if applicable)
Vehicle Mileage Log (if using car for business)
Quarterly Tax Payments (if made)
Last Year’s Tax Return (for reference)
IRS Notices or Letters (if received)
Retirement Contributions (IRA, 401(k), Roth IRA)
Sort your documents ahead of time for a stress-free tax filing experience.
Unsure what applies to you? Bring anything you think is relevant!